Transformative Healing

Fire Ceremony
Release & Heal
Give thanks and dream
A Fire ceremony is done to give thanks to Pachamama (mother Earth) for all she has given us. It is also a way to release the things that no longer serve you and to cultivate the things that you want to grow. At the end of each ceremony we give thanks and gratitude to Pachamama for all she gives us unconditionally.
Rite of the Womb
The Rite of the Womb ceremony is for women only. This ceremony is to release and heal the blame, shame, and guilt bestowed upon all women of the Christian religions with the story of the Garden of Eden and that Woman is to blame! This is not true in other cultures. Where we live is the Garden of Eden, just look all around you!
Whether you have gone through the rite of passage of no menses or have had a hysterectomy makes no difference.
This Ceremony frees the guilt, shame, blame and all that we as women hide in our wombs from ourselves. This is the beginning of healing these ancestorial Curses that were placed on us by the masculine powers.
You may take part in this ceremony as many times as you want, removing more and more layers.

Bands of Power
The bands of power and protection is a rite that is delivered by a Shaman to rid you of the small things that have been sent to you willingly or through harsh words, thoughts and feelings. These bands then protect you from the negative energies of the everyday life. You can also use them when you feel in danger or that something or someone is trying to effect you. These are just two examples why everyone needs to have this protection in today's world.
This Rite is delivered in a one on one setting or in a group. If in a group the people who have all ready received the Rite will witness for the ones receiving the rite.
This rite can be given and received many times.
A shaman assists the Spirit/Soul to leave the body and go into their Wiracocha. The Wiracocha is the golden Egg, the 8th chakra that is outside our energy field. This is where, when we leave the body our Spirit/Soul goes.
During this ceremony all persons that wish to speak to their loved one can speak and they will be heard. This clears a lot of karma for the one that is passing and for those left here on earth.
This ceremony is especially important if the person is in a coma, car accident, drug OD, plane crash, etc. They did not die consciously.
This ceremony can also be preformed while the person is still present. A lot of us have a great fear of death and this ceremony will cancel that fear as it gives the person a MAP to follow when they do leave the body. They have already experienced the trip so it is not scarry anymore.